Simpler is better when it comes to decorating outdoors. Outdoor Christmas decorations should be centered around your theme, rather than picking and choosing among several themes.
Decorating outdoors can be done many different ways. The choices in outdoor Christmas decorations are overwhelming and you can see this in many people's outdoor displays. When it comes to decorating outside, sometimes you need to remember that less is more.
Fo example, you will be overdressed if you wear your formal gown along with seven diamond bracelets and four diamond necklaces. In much the same way, you want to refrain from overdoing your yard during Christmas. Showing your Christmas spirit is great, but too many Christmas decorations can possibly detract from your outdoor decoration.
It begins to be a problem when you start picking and choosing among all of the different choices available. It is best to have a few related outdoor Christmas decorations than many unrelated items, because it makes the whole yard look uncluttered and too busy.
I have seen yards with revolving reindeer, Santa, his sleigh, lighted palm trees, icicle lighting, and even several of those blow-up decorations. This yard was overshadowed by all of these outdoor decorations and ended up looking busy and disturbing, rather than giving you that Christmas spirit.
You may want to jump into your decorating with both feet, but with outdoor Christmas decorations it is best to refrain. You can use restraint in your outdoor Christmas decorations choices and help to make your yard festive, without turning it into the brightest spot in the neighborhood.
To help yourself stay on track it is best to choose a theme and then stay with it. You don't want to put the Grinch on top of a manger scene. If you choose the nativity as your theme then choose traditional decorations over the characters. It will make the yard more cohesive and more interesting to your friends and family.
Another thing to remember is that just because you have a certain decoration does not mean that you have to use it every year. You may love the Nutcracker fiber optic Christmas decoration that you have, but you want to do your yard in a more traditional nativity theme. You can just not use the Nutcracker set this year and save it for another Christmas.
It is very exciting to decorate for the Christmas season. It can be difficult to tone it down because all of the decorations are so fun and interesting to look at, but you need to keep it simple. Keep in mind that the people passing your home only have a couple of seconds to see your entire yard. Simpler is better, especially when we are discussing outdoor Christmas decorations.